
Architecture goes beyond the contemporary moment in which we live. Anonimous was born as an act that defines the attitude from which a project is undertaken. We take responsibility for reading and interpreting the different conditions that surround a project; natural, contextual, human, social, sustainable and economic. We question and investigate, exalting the principles of freedom, the relationship with nature, dialogue with the context, sensorial plenitude and the natural coexistence of man in space. Architecture is created from the relationships that human beings have first with the place and then with the constructed space. We believe that the act of building is what gives meaning to architecture. We believe in the principle of duality between local identity and universal meaning; responding to what the earth gives us by generating identity through local principles and at the same time listening to ourselves as universal beings. We believe that the ultimate goal of architecture has an enormous social responsibility. We understand ourselves as beings who, through the act of imagining and building, intend to serve. We consider that attention is not on the object but on the experience.