Ariatec Meier & Zanolin GmbH

The company «Ariatec Meier & Zanolin GmbH» works for customers from various economic sectors. Good and reliable work is a desire and a concern for us. Our services range from planning and installation to regular, object-specific inspections of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Our employees have the necessary specialist qualifications in ventilation and air conditioning technology. Ensuring company safety, such as safety courses in fall protection, IPAF aerial work platforms, etc., also leads to greater safety in our company. Periodic and systematic employee qualifications and regular meetings promote employee satisfaction and quality. We guarantee a quotation service as well as professional advice and assembly services with high-quality products. We are a company with high standards and are characterized by great flexibility towards our customers. Air is an extremely important and central element. In this sense, we strive to create a good climate – your desired climate.