
Cus­tomiz­ing the most suit­able op­er­at­ing space for you (cor­po­rate of­fice space + cor­po­rate busi­ness space) is our core ser­vice! We have mainly served con­tin­u­ously glob­al­ized China 500 com­pa­nies and Chi­na’s emerg­ing en­ter­prises and strived to make CUN 寸DE­SIGN a pow­er­ful boost­ing force for the con­tin­u­ous de­vel­op­ment of Chi­nese en­ter­prises. We mainly com­pose the in­te­rior de­sign for front busi­ness space and back of­fice space, front busi­ness space in­clud­ing: the core busi­ness flag­ship stores, dis­play and sales space and other busi­ness en­vi­ron­ment de­sign; the back of­fice space in­clud­ing like: R & D base, of­fice head­quar­ters, cor­po­rate cham­bers and other over­all work­ing en­vi­ron­men­tal de­sign. It is our re­spon­si­bil­ity to use the de­sign to com­plete the self-re­newal of the city and give the city a new life! At the same time, we pay at­ten­tion to and fo­cus on ur­ban re­newal con­struc­tion. In the process of ur­ban re­newal and con­struc­tion, CUN 寸DE­SIGN has spent a lot of time do­ing mas­sive re­search and sum­ma­riza­tion on Chi­ne­se’s 50 to 100-year-old his­tor­i­cal build­ings, and also pro­posed that space de­sign­ers need to pay more at­ten­tion and ad­vo­cacy to the time passed. De­sign­ers, through good de­sign, should let the emerg­ing busi­ness in­dus­try re­gain its life in the old build­ings of the city, and make the city be­come a more eco­log­i­cal ex­is­tence. The city’s self-re­newal will in­evitably need our ef­forts and re­flec­tions.