Eugeni Pons
His interest in photography began at 13, when he purchased his first «serious» camera, a reflex Canon AE-1. From that moment, he focused on experimental, architectural and landscape photography. Bachelor in Philosophy, he studied at the UAB and, at a time, studied photography at the IEFC in Barcelona. His professional career started in 1992, when he decided to set up an advertising photography studio along with a fellow student. Towards the year 95 they decide to go their own way, and that’s when he decides to work on his true passion, architectural photography. He took a chance shooting some buildings with no previous commission, and Casa Viva magazine acquired them .. From there, to On Diseño magazine, part of the same editorial group at that time. That introduced him to some of the most outstanding architecture studios in Barcelona and Madrid, and from there to the first synergies and assignments. He has collaborated with some of the sector’s most relevant headers: Arquitectura y Diseño, A +1, Diseño Interior, ON Diseño, AiT, Architectural Review, Interni, Abitare, Wallpaper, Domus etc. are some of them.

Mussol, Barcelona – Spain