HDC Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant

Since it was founded, Chengdu Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant have al­ways ad­hered to a di­verse, open-minded, cre­ative and re­fined de­sign way, we keep the strat­egy of “ex­plor­ing the essence of com­mer­cial space” to ac­tively carry out space de­sign, so as to cre­ate com­plete high-qual­ity pro­jects for Chi­nese cater­ing in­dus­try. The work we have de­signed speaks clearer than words, and we never make profit by any sharp prac­tice. We have been ex­plor­ing and dis­cov­er­ing cut­ting-edge bound­aries in the di­a­logue be­tween com­merce and de­sign, cre­at­ing lead­ing de­sign ideas for dif­fer­ent type of pro­jects to help clients en­hance their brand value and in­dus­try bar­ri­ers, and ac­tively pro­mote the ex­pan­sion and out­put of Chi­na’s de­sign.

Erma pub, Taikoo Li, Chengdu – China