Lorena Darquea
Lorena Darquea is an Ecuadorian architect and photographer graduated from ITESM, who began exploring the field of architectural photography while attending a Visual Arts workshop held at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, in 2009. After getting involved with the career, in 2018 she accomplished a Low Residency in the International Center of Photography in New York. In her work she seeks to transmit through the lens the diverse sensations provoked by architecture with an honest and unpretentious language. Inspired by contexts, texture contrasts, and the incidence of light, especially daylight; the photographer pursues the spatial qualities in their most unaltered form. Convinced that careful observation and extensive knowledge of a project are of vital importance to achieve images which reveal the true essence of architecture; Lorena achieves a continuous discovery of the many facets of architecture manifesting the true identity of each project. She participated at the Venice Biennale 2016 as part of the Time Space Existence exhibition. She was selected for exposing her work by ella PLANOS in the 2019 BAL (Latin American Architecture Biennial). Her photographs of her have also been displayed within various architects’ projects at the BIAU (Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo) and BAQ (Bienal Panamericana de Arquitectura de Quito). Her work earned publication in ArchDaily and Elle which talked about the inclusion of women and the challenge for the gender in the architectural field, as well as a publication from Architectural Digest, that also intends to portray the impact of her photography in a Latin -American context. Other magazine, web and book collaborations include: T Magazine – New York Times, RIBA Journal, Arquitectura Viva, Arquine, Archdaily, Divisare, Architectural Digest, Architectural Record, Rizzoli, among others.

Bar La Providencia, Guadalajara Country Club, Guadalajara – Mexico