
TI:DO stands for Tangible Intangible Design Office. Within this umbrella, the co-founders Sadhika Baveja & Himanshu Chopra wanted to bring together their diverse design expertise for a new age architecture and design studio in India focusing on both the physiological & psychological impacts of design. The studio strongly believes that spaces can be experienced not only in terms of the tangible – materials, colours, textures, patterns etc. but also the intangible – moods, experiences, memories etc. and wants to curate both in tandem through their design & research practice, while maintaining a high standard of quality and execution.
We at TI:DO believe architecture to be a framework of designed creative expression that not only fulfils physical requirements but also lifts its users emotionally. Creative expression in architecture is not in the act of making isolated arbitrary, spectacular yet whimsical designs but rather a conscious act of giving them meaning, purpose and weaving a complicated story of achieving the vision seamlessly and effortlessly into the final product that respects the physical, historical, cultural, financial and aspirational context.
We design buildings, spaces and objects which are integrated right from the concept through execution. All our projects undergo a critical thinking process where we analyze the impact our interventions have in terms of environment, society, technology and more. We also engage in experimentation and research when the opportunity arises and fold our knowledge into our on-going projects to make informed decisions. This extends to built spaces, unbuilt spaces, public art & installations.