
Awards Project Publication Form

Thanks for submitting your project! Our curators strive to deliver the best content to the thousands of professionals who visit our site each month, further expanding our large database of projects! With this information, you are helping us to provide inspiration, knowledge and tools needed to design the food and beverage premises we all love.

Please provide us the follow.

General Informations (mandatory)

Project Name

Project Address

Year of execution


Design Firm

Photographer Firm

Additional Credits (not mandatory)

Design team

Lead Designer

Any other professionals involved in the project

Photos (mandatory)

Submitted images must be in JPEG, JPG or PNG format. (Keep each image under 3 MB maximum, a width of 1,200 px, 300 dpi, RGB is preferable).
You can send us an unlimited number of photographs and images, but we recommend no more than 25 and at least 6.

NB: The cover photo will be chosen by our editorial team and must be horizontal or square but not vertical.

If there are no horizontal or square photos among the photos sent to us, our editorial team will use a photo resized to square for the cover.

Project Description (not mandatory)

We recommend a project description of around 400 words, focusing on its creativity and originality. It is important to note that the accompanying text of your project must be written in English only; if it is written in other languages, it will not be published.

If you already have a project of yours posted on our website and would like it to participate in the Awards simply send us an email requesting it and we will do it!

We’re thrilled to invite you to share your groundbreaking projects on FoodInSpace, you’ll have the opportunity to:

Gain visibility among industry leaders and potential collaborators.
Connect with like-minded innovators.
Stand out in a competitive market by showcasing your award-winning designs.

Join us, submit your project today and be part of a community that’s pushing the boundaries of what’s possible!